
OSS Glossary

Japanese term that suggests the metallic reflection of the needle of a compass, the one that must direct all units towards a common goal. "Ho" means "Direction", "Shin" means "Needles" and Kanri "Management, management". Hoshin is a method that allows a company to concentrate all its efforts and all its resources on achieving ideal progress objectives in order to ensure its survival or obtain a competitive advantage. Concretely, this means that the company must define at the highest level strategic objectives and then break them down into "operational" objectives at all levels, with of course actions to be implemented and monitored within deadlines. The three key points of HOSHIN are:some text
- Vertical diffusion: The objectives are "seen" and acquired by all, individual efforts contribute to achieving the common goal.
- Horizontal coordination: lead the progress process through interdisciplinary work, with a planning and control tool. This approach allows the empowerment and responsibilization of operators and the transformation of their hierarchy from bosses to facilitators and coaches.
- Unit optimization: The objectives defined and then assigned to each unit, in cascade to the smallest, allow progress to be directed towards the goal.
Un ensemble d'ilôts métiers ou de ligne produit :
- Dirigé par un superviseur de production qui coordonne une équipe d'opérateur
Manufacturing order is a materialized or non-materialized document (or set) that allows the manufacture of a precise quantity of a product to be triggered. The manufacturing order contains all the information necessary for the manufacture of the product:some text
- a unique tracking MO number
- the designation (article code and/or designation)
- the "process" i.e. the operating procedure to be followed to produce the article
- the quantity to be manufactured
- the planned manufacturing date
- the launch date
- the finishing date
- the status (created, in progress, completed)
A launched production order can lead to the reservation of components in stock and their consumption. The realization of the master production schedule consists of anticipating the production load to be realized, i.e. the quantity to be produced or the volume of MO's and to provide the appropriate production means in return. Scheduling consists of sequencing the launch planning of MO's. Different follow-up sheets can be linked to an MO, such as:some text
- the process to follow
- quality control sheets (dimensional measurements in particular)
- quality alerts and retouching instructions
A document that lists all the phases of production of a part until its storage:some text
- the different stages of manufacture of an article
- for each step the operating procedure i.e. all the instructions for the operation (its designation, the program to select / the knack to be performed, the tools to use, the time of the operation)
- Objective: Achieve production quantity targets while ensuring quality and customer deadlines
- Activities: Execute production, coordinate production operator teams and support functions, train, solve problems
- Key functions: Production Director - Production Manager - Production Supervisors/Team Leader - Operator
Quick Response Quality Control :
- quick response: identify the problem, characterize it and implement security actions.
- quality control: analysis of root causes, implementation of corrective actions, capitalization (ensure it does not happen again)
- Objective: Ensure and monitor the quality of the parts produced in relation to the expected customer requirement
- Activities: Control production and detect quality anomalies, anticipate quality alerts as early as possible in the chain so as not to add value to parts in production, find the root causes of quality problems
- Key functions: Quality Director, Quality Manager, Quality Specialist
The highest level, set of UAPs(Autonomous Production Units):
- led by the Site Director who coordinates a team of Production Managers as well as the Production, Quality, Supply Chain, Finance, Purchasing, HR directors of the site
- Objective: Optimize the flow to ensure production targets are met and customer deadlines are respected
- Activities: Anticipate needs, plan launches, prioritize and reschedule in case of incident
- Key functions: Supply Chain Director, Logistics Manager, Planner, Scheduler, Logisticians
We can talk about the supply chain in terms of:
- Upstream logistics: capturing customer needs, i.e. orders by sales representatives
- Planning: translating orders into a planning of OFs to be launched
- Workshop logistics: monitoring work in progress in the workshop
- Downstream logistics: production output and shipment
Total Quality Management. Repose sur 6 principes :
- Une implication de la direction
- Une activité orienté client
- Une implication des Hommes à tous les niveaux.
- Une démarche d’amélioration continue
- Une mesure de la performance **
- Une gestion des relations fournisseurs dans une logique de partenariat
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